The L2L Program
Lose weight without dieting — and move on with your life!
What is L2L?
L2L is a 6-week program that will show you exactly how to change your thoughts and habits that relate to food and eating — the only way to permanently lose weight. That’s because weight is a symptom of the problem, and as long as you keep trying to diet it off without changing how you eat, you’ll never lose it.
You’ll learn why diets don’t work and how they actually prevent you from losing weight. You’ll learn how to switch from being obsessed with losing weight to focusing on more meaningful goals — and working toward those while you also modify your thoughts and habits is what makes losing weight easy.
You’ll start small and make instant progress, which gives you momentum. You’ll build on your successes and get exponential results. You’ll learn how to train yourself to consistently take action, make changes that work for you and your lifestyle so you never fail, and get the small wins you need to stay motivated and keep going. You’ll take the pressure off yourself and have fun while you do this program . . . the opposite of how you feel when you diet!
L2L is taught by Camille Martin, a registered dietitian, public health writer, and former chronic dieter who finally figured out how to lose weight without dieting. She knows how demoralizing it is to make your whole life about losing weight — and never be able to do it. Her deepest desire is to help you release yourself from diet prison and live the life you were meant to live.
With L2L you’ll . . .
- Learn step-by-step how to change your thoughts and habits and get immediate results.
- Have a weekly one-on-one call with Camille to set your goals and design a personal plan to achieve them.
- Get in-depth content about the psychology of making changes and how to re-program your brain for success.
- Get nutrition info about the topics you’re most interested in (Are carbs really bad for me? How much protein do I need?).
- Get daily email inspiration to keep you motivated and stay on track — and tons of encouragement and motivation. (Remember, she’s been right where you are!)
L2L is right for you if . . .
- You’ve been trying to diet off the same 10 to 20 pounds for the last 10 to 20 years.
- You have a tortured relationship with food and with your body.
- You feel like you’ve tried every diet on the planet and none of them worked.
- You stay in the same weight range but never lose as much as you really want to.
- You’re an emotional eater.
- Your goals and dreams have become sidetracked with your obsession to lose weight.
- You adore self-improvement and love to learn.
- You’re ready for an exciting life that has nothing to do with losing weight!
L2L isn’t right for you if . . .
- You want a quick fix.
- You want someone to tell you what to do.
- You want to lose weight for an event.
- You have excuses for why you can’t change.
- You’d rather blame circumstances than take responsibility.
- You just want to lose weight, and you don’t care how you do it.
Keep in mind that L2L is only right for you if you are willing to put in the work it takes to make changes that last. It’s not a diet and it’s not a quick fix . . . but it’s the only thing that really works!
I look so forward to working with you, helping you achieve your weight-loss goal (and your other goals too!), and meeting you to celebrate your success with you!
Email me at [email protected] to get more info and sign up to reserve your spot.