Love to Lose - Camille Martin RD

Start living a life that you truly love — and let the weight lose itself.

Camille Martin - Sitting in a Chair

Stop waiting to live your life until you lose weight.

If you’re holding yourself back from life until you lose weight —  skipping the reunion, postponing the vacation, staying out of the family photo — you’ll never lose it.

But if you reverse the equation and get busy really living, setting and achieving your long-forgotten goals and rebuilding your confidence in the process, the weight will lose itself.

If you’re ready to live an exciting, joy-filled life and lose weight without dieting, you’re in the right place!

Sign up to get weekly tips, motivation, and inspiration from me into your inbox!


And I’m so happy you’re here! I'm a dietitian, public health writer, and former chronic dieter.

I spent nearly 25 years of my life on a diet . . . until I finally quit. I stopped trying to lose weight (and feeling like a failure) and started setting and achieving goals I never thought possible. And I lost weight without even trying.

You can finally lose weight without using willpower, without changing everything you do, and without the misery of dieting. I want to show you how. Instead of wasting your life trying to lose weight, I want you to live — and love! — your life, and watch the weight lose itself.


And I'm so happy you're here! I'm a dietitian, public health writer, and former chronic dieter.

I spent nearly 25 years of my life on a diet . . . until I finally gave up. I stopped trying to lose weight (and feeling like a failure) and started setting and achieving goals I never thought possible. And I lost weight without even trying.

You can finally lose weight without using willpower, without changing everything you do, and without the misery of dieting. I want to show you how. Instead of wasting your life trying to lose weight, I want you to live — and love! — your life, and watch the weight lose itself.

Let your environment work for you instead of against you. Sign up to get weekly tips, motivation, and inspiration on your weight-loss journey!

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Love to Lose

Love To Lose: Love Your Life and Watch the Weight Lose Itself

Love to Lose


Love To Lose: Love Your Life and Watch the Weight Lose Itself