Change How You Eat
Start living a life that you truly love . . . and let the weight lose itself.
Good Dietitian, Bad Dietitian
Back in 2003, I was in the middle of my dietetic internship, which consisted of a year-long series of rotations...
The Most Beautiful Woman in the World
I recently read an interview with Carol Alt, one of the original supermodels and whom Hugh Hefner once called “The...
Perfectly Healthy
Whenever I’m scrolling through Instagram, I invariably come across an influencer who’s promoting a healthy lifestyle. Most of her photos...
It’s All Good
This summer I moved into a new townhouse with my two girls, and I have the cutest new neighbor. We’d...
Give Yourself an Out
In your quest to lose weight, how many times have you thought, “I’m not going to . . .”? I’m...
On a Binge
If you have a tendency to binge eat, it’s likely you “binge” in other areas of your life. We live...
Feeding the Beast
The other morning, I was packing the girls’ lunches. I was putting some Milano cookies in a snack bag when...
Take 30
Don't do it. You do not need those cookies. They’re not even that good. [Eats cookies.] Why did I just...