
Start living a life that you truly love . . . and let the weight lose itself.

Slow Down Sister

Slow Down Sister

I used to sit down and inhale my food. I wasn’t paying attention to what I was eating, and I...
Who Do You Think You Are

Who Do You Think You Are?

I think of myself in a lot of different ways. I’m sensitive, compassionate, funny, and for sure type A. All...
Habits Part 3

Habit Change Part 3: You’re a Hard Habit to Break

Note: This post is the third in a three-part series on habit change Why are habits so hard to break?...
Habits Part 2

Habit Change Part 2: It’s Automatic

Note: This post is the second in a three-part series on habit change Do you ever look at pictures of...
Habits Part 1

Habit Change Part 1: Don’t Be a Quitter

Note: This post is the first in a three-part series on habit change I used to binge on chocolate. After...
Don't Look at Me

If You Don’t Like It, Don’t Look at It

Today I want to talk about something that enrages me. And I apologize in advance if some of the language...
Inside Job

Inside Job

Have you ever noticed that you stay in a narrow range when you’re trying to lose weight? You start losing,...
Simple Addition

Simple Addition

When I was in college, I used to eat at least once a week at a restaurant that had blackened...
You're Such a Downer

You’re Such a Downer

You know that friend, the one who never has anything positive to say? The one who constantly criticizes other people...
Lottery Balls

Dieting and the Weight Loss Lottery

Do you ever play the lottery? Me either. With the exception of the occasional ticket purchase at a gas station...