
Start living a life that you truly love . . . and let the weight lose itself.

It's All About the Why

It’s All About the Why

Why do you want to lose weight? Is it to fit into your skinny jeans or because you want to...
Bigger Is Better

Bigger Is Better

Around the time I decided to quit dieting and trying to lose weight, I signed up for a nutrition class...
drinking and eating 2

Drinking and Eating

It’s the holidays . . . time to eat, drink, and be merry! I used to totally blow it out...
the lens of failure

The Lens of Failure

The other day, my daughters brought home a lottery ticket that their dad had bought them and excitedly told me...
Steps One Two Three on wood blocks toys and blue background.

The 3 You Need

One of the biggest reasons we fail at losing weight is that we don’t set ourselves up for success. Actually,...
Most Beautiful

The Most Beautiful Woman in the World

I recently read an interview with Carol Alt, one of the original supermodels and whom Hugh Hefner once called “The...
You've Got This

You’ve Got This

How often do you see those beach-body photos of celebrities and with a stab of envy think, “I could never...
Meet Me in the Middle

Meet Me in the Middle

There’s a powerful technique that Olympic athletes use to get exponential results in their performance – and the outcomes are...
You Should Be Ashamed

Shame on You

Remember when Charlize Theron won the Academy Award for Monster? She transformed herself into a female serial killer, which included...
Forget About It

Forget About It

There’s a famous story about Albert Einstein in which he explains his theory of relativity to his secretary. When she...